Welcome! This is the personal site for Michael T. Lawson, data scientist and writer from Boston, MA. If you’re here, you likely know me for one of four reasons:

  1. I am a data scientist, currently working at Klaviyo as a Data Science Manager. This is also where my academic background lies – before Klaviyo, I was in the Biostatistics department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, finishing up my PhD in machine learning methods for precision medicine. You can find a list of my published academic works on my Writing page.

  2. I am a writer, most often published in poetry. My work appears or is forthcoming in Tar River Poetry, Spoon River Poetry Review, Nimrod International Journal, Grist Journal, and Ninth Letter, among others. You can find links to my published work on my Writing page.

  3. I am the host of two podcasts: the Klaviyo Data Science Podcast, a podcast about data science, software engineering, and all the things that are necessary to make those happen; and the Slumscast, a podcast about genuinely trying and spectacularly failing to be good at the card game Netrunner. You can find more information and links to both on my Podcasts/Commentary page.

  4. I am a frequent commentator of high-level Netrunner tournaments, including multiple world championships. You can find more information and links to coverage I appear in on my Podcasts/Commentary page.